I bellissimi video del Ladakh di Radek Kucharski

The best videos of Radek Kucharski!

L’amico  Radek Kucharski, fotografo, travel blogger, guida turistica,trekker etc.. ha inserito dei bellissimi video sul Ladakh..li condivido con voi!

Round Sultanlango Trek. Photos of Zanskar. Ladakh, India. from Radek Kucharski on Vimeo.

Ladakh is a mountain region in north-west India. Located north of the Great Himalaya Range it is isolated from the summer monsoon rains. Its high altitude, dry landscape reminds that of the western Tibet. Its unique culture, ethnics of the people and the religion of the majority have strong links to Tibet too. It is a fantastic destination for those interested in Buddhism and Tibetan culture as well as in adventurous treks.

Music by Kevin Kerry Muzzey. Photos by Radek Kucharski (www.radekkucharski.com).

Ladakh Intro I – photos of the Little Tibet from Radek Kucharski on Vimeo.

The collection of photos of Ladakh by Radek Kucharski.

Ladakh Intro II – photos of the Little Tibet from Radek Kucharski on Vimeo.

Altri video li potete trovare al seguente indirizzo:


Grazie Radek per queste belle immagini!



Vagabondo per natura, cittadino del mondo,appassionato di viaggi,reportage,fotografia, cultura asiatica e tibetana. Pagina ufficiale pubblica su facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lavitaeunviaggio

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