Chadar Trek risalire sul fiume ghiacciato Zanskar

Gennaio Febbraio 2019, il fiume Zanskar, viste le basse temperature, gela!

Rimane quindi l’unica via per risalire la valle dello Zanskar fino a Padum.

Ogni anno molte persone risalgono questa antica via, letteralmente “pattinando” sul fiume; immersi in paesaggio mozzafiato, cascate di ghiaccio, lentamente la carovana, tra risate e fatica, macina kilometri nel canyon.

Una esperienza straordinaria da fare almeno una volta nella vita!

Life’s a Journey vi può mettere in contatto con le guide della KD Ecoventures per questo incredibile trekking; da parte vostra è necessario un buon allenamento in montagna ed essere in uno buono stato di salute (da quest’anno è obbligatoria la visita medica per ottenere il permesso).

Contattatemi per info.


Ladakh can be a difficult place to travel. The mountains are steep and in the winter snowfall closes many of the mountain passes and makes the few roads treacherous. Some villages become completely inaccessible between November and March. One method of accessing snow-bound villages during the winter trekking on top of the ice of frozen rivers. The Chadar Trek is one such route, connecting villages in the Zanskar valley (deep in the mountains) with Chilling (on the road to Leh) along the frozen Zanskar River. This route has been used for centuries for trade and transportation, and is most reliable in February when the ice is most stable. Now, We should make it clear that the Zanskar river is big and fast-flowing. For most of its length between Chilling and the Zanskar valley the river is confined within a steep canyon. If the idea of walking over frozen river ice with a large pack on your back and very cold rushing water a few inches below your feet is terrifying, then you are not alone. People sometimes die on the Chadar Trek, usually local porters who carry goods on the river for their livelihood and can’t afford to be conservative. The hike from Chilling to the Zanskar valley takes more than a week, and at night porters usually sleep in caves in the canyon walls. This trek is considered as one of the most exciting and unique treks – a very special and an extraordinary trek on shiny ice on the bank of Tsarap River. You will be dropped by a vehicle at Chilling Sumdo (crossed road) then yourtrek…



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